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Article-5: Infection Control In A Clinic: A Necessity Of The Day

Infection Control, Protective Barriers, Asepsis, Disposables, Occupational Exposure,Sterilisation, Disinfection, Radiology, Biofilms, Laboratory Asepsis,Occupational Safety


The article focuses on the prime necessity of infection control in all health care facilities. Disease transfer during dental and medical procedures serve as occupational hazards and as doctors, we should be cautious towards preventing infections which spread through multiple procedures and techniques involving blood and other body fluids. The article focuses on measures so as to minimise any such infection spread and maintenance of sterilisation protocols for the benefit of patients. Primarily attention is given to dentistry where the risk of spread of infections is increased due to aerosols and bio films.


Journal file
Article-5_3.pdf (550.25 KB)