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Article-5: Maximum Patients Handling Capacity Of An Out Patient Department:

Capacity has long been a significant issue for healthcare organizations particularly in the public sector due to a considerable demand-supply gap in a country like India. For this we need to calculate, scientifically, the optimum number of patients that can be seen by a doctor in OPD and project the demand for the resources, both men and material, accordingly. This study was done to measure the maximum handling capacity of ENT Out Patients Department at AIIMS, New Delhi. A questionnaire was distributed to treating doctors & direct observations were made at OPD. A spreadsheet was developed with the data. It was found that the maximum number of patients that can be seen by a doctor, providing due care, in ENT OPD is 28. Accordingly with the given strength of doctors in the OPD, the maximum handling capacity of ENT OPD is 131 as against the actual load of 360 patients for year 2007-2008. To analyse the change in the situation over the period of time maximum handling capacity was found to be 131 as against the actual load of 336 patients for year 2011-2012.This clearly shows that actual load in OPD is much more than optimal load in both the years and the trend over four years shows that situation of patient overload persisting. As the no. of working hours and no of OPD days remaining the same there is need to increase the no. consultants and senior residents in the ENT OPD of AIIMS.
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